ISAF Publish Notice of Race for 2011 Team Racing Worlds
The ninth edition of the ISAF Team Racing World Championship will be sailed on Schull Harbour, West Cork and organized by Fastnet Marina and Outdoor Education Centre (FMOEC).
Following the successful launch of an Under 21 competition at the 2005 Team Worlds, the 2011 championship will again feature racing in both the open competition, for the ISAF Team Racing World Championship Trophy, and in an Under 21 competition for the Ciudad de Gandia Trophy.
David Harte, manager of the FMOEC, said, 'We are delighted to host the 2011 ISAF Team Racing World Championship. We are looking forward to welcoming sailors from all around the globe to provide them the best team racing possible together with the unique hospitality of Ireland.'
The ninth edition of the will be the second hosted in the Ireland, following on from the 1999 Worlds held in Dun Laoghaire when New Zealand took the title. The Irish teams will be hoping to secure their first ever ISAF Team Racing Worlds on home waters, their best result so far being fourth place in Auckland in 2003.
The current holders of the ISAF Team Racing World Championship Trophy are Team USA1 from the New York Yacht Club. Australia holds the Under 21 Trophy.
You can download the Notice of Race for the 2011 ISAF Team Racing World Championships, and view news and results from past championships, on the event microsite - www.sailing.org/teamworlds
by ISAF World Sailing Share 12:45 AM Thu 4 Nov 2010 GMT