Juanpa Cadario: Javier Sanso y Mike Golding se unen para la Transat Jacques Vabre

Javier Sanso y Mike Golding se unen para la Transat Jacques Vabre

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Golding to race with Sanso in TJV

Britain's Mike Golding will compete in the upcoming Transat Jacques Vabre race with Spanish yachtsman Javier Sanso.

The 4,730 mile race from Le Havre in France to Costa Rica starts on 8 November. Golding, who has competed in every edition of the biennial transatlantic race since 1999, was originally going to sail with Bruno Dubois, his long-term friend, team sail advisor and Managing Director of North Sails, France, but Dubois has elected to stand down in favour of the Spanish skipper.
"Javier approached Mike a while ago to sail this Transat Jacques Vabre but as Mike and I have sailed together many times before, I suppose in a way, I was the easy option! But after further conversations with Javier, Mike and I agreed that we ought to give him the chance. And a race like the TJV is perfect, not too long and not too short!" explained Dubois.
"It is a measure of the type of person that Bruno is that he has pursued the option to stand down. The IMOCA Open 60 class has really begun to take off in Spain, helped primarily by events like the Barcelona World Race. When we sold ECOVER II to Pedro Campos a couple of years ago it was very much the beginning and since then it has really moved on and there is now a good core of Spanish Open 60 sailors," commented Golding.
"The boat itself is in great shape and we are very keen to get back out racing again!" Golding added. "The new Transat Jacques Vabre course (to Costa Rica) will see a change in the dynamic of the race and it will be interesting to see how we all measure up again after the Vendée Globe."
For his part, Sansó is excited at the prospect of sailing with Golding. "Mike and I have known each other for a while, albeit we have never sailed together before. I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved in his career and am very much looking forward to the opportunity to learn and develop my own Open 60 skills."
Javier will join Mike for the final preparation sailing in the UK and the qualification passage. Currently Mike's IMOCA Open 60 is in Ocean Village in Southampton and has undergone a comprehensive refit over the past eight months.
Golding and Sansó are sailing the event unsponsored, and the team has benefited from the considerable support of Mike´s long-term business partner, Jørgen Philip-Sørensen.

"We are obviously now looking for a new sponsor to take us through the next IMOCA cycle, and as such, both Philip-Sørensen and I felt it was important to take part in this race as it is a key one to look at both our own, and the competition's performance," commented Golding. "By supporting this entry we will be able to not only do that, but also raise awareness of our search for a new sponsor."

www.mikegolding.com Mike Golding's website