Foto copyright Rolex / Tom Körber

Foto copyright Rolex / Tom Körber
Percy y Simpson

Foto copyright Rolex / Tom Körber
Juan Kouyoumdjian y Ale Colla, argentinos en el europeo
El post original hablaba del triunfo de los ingleses en el europeo, de Star pero sólo se los ha premiado por su actuación a mitad de campeonato, una tradición en la clase Star.
Gracias al comentario anónimo que me advirtió, el campeonato sigue, asi que pido perdón por este error y haberlos "desinformado".
Un abrazo.
Fuente info Rolex Baltic Week
The cream keeps rising to the top at Rolex Baltic Week
July 8, 2009
After five races at the 2009 Star Class European Championships for Rolex Baltic Week the cream of the Star fleet are showing their class, with all three 2008 Olympic medalists separated by just two points at the head of the leaderboard - and back in the familiar finish order that they stood on the podium in Qingdao last August. Mistakes in this ultra-competitive 89-boat fleet are proving costly, but at the front of the fleet Brits Iain Percy/Andrew Simpson, Robert Scheidt/Bruno Prada of Brazil and Swedish Fredrik Loof/Johan Tillander have scored consistent results in the top 10 to extend their lead on the pack.
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Results after five out of eight races on day three of the 2009 Rolex Baltic Week / Star Class European Championship
1 Iain Percy/Andrew Simpson (Great Britain) 9 points
2 Robert Scheidt/Bruno Prada (Brasil) 10
3 Fredrik Loof/Johan Tillander (Sweden) 11
4 Robert Stanjek/Markus Koy (Germany) 26
5 Mark Mendelblatt/Mark Strube (USA) 28
6 Flavio Marazzi/Enrico de Maria (Schwitzerland) 32
7 Johannes Babendererde/Timo Jacobs (Germany) 33
8 Xavier Rohart/Pierre Alexis Ponsot (France) 45
For more information, the program and the full result list please visit also the event website on http://www.rolex-baltic-week.com/en/home.html