Juanpa Cadario: Y en 49er, el oro es para Dinamarca, España plata

Y en 49er, el oro es para Dinamarca, España plata

Se resolvió la protesta en favor de los daneses, asi que España se queda con la plata. Una decisión muy dificil para el comité de protesta, que valoró mucho el esfuerzo que hizo la tripulación ganadora para poder llegar a la linea de salida despues del drama de romper el mastil minutos antes de largar la regata. Hay que recordar que los daneses habian llegado a esa medal race con 16 puntos de ventaja con el segundo y se navegó con condiciones limites para esta clase, y si aca hay un culpable es el oficial de día (Peter Reggio) que me parece que equivocó una vez más en sus a veces arriesgadas decisiones.

Leer el fallo de la protesta a continuación:

Protest No. 66
Event: 49er - Open
Race: 16

Protestor: RC
Protestee: DEN
Protest details:

Facts found:Protest 66 RC v DEN and Protest 68 ESP v DEN were heard together and under Medal Race Sailing Instruction Addendum Q 5.5(b). Sailing to the start, DEN capsized and broke her mast. This resulted in significant damage including the mainsail, gennaker and mast step. DEN returned to shore. It was not possible for DEN to repair the damage in the time available and DEN arranged with CRO to use the CRO boat. DEN, through their coach, at the first reasonable opportunity notified the Race Committee of the replacement 15 minutes before the warning signal. DEN sailed to the start, started 3 minutes 57 seconds after the starting signal and completed the race. The race was conducted in winds close to the upper limits for 49er racing and in very difficult wave and tidal conditions. Every boat capsized at some stage during the race and two boats failed to finish inside the time limit. As soon as practical after coming ashore DEN submitted a written request to the Olympic Measurement Committee (OMC) for the replacement boat and presented the boat for inspection. The boat was thereafter subject to checks for compliance with the class rules and all other checks carried out on other boats during quarantine. The request for replacement was then approved by OMC in accordance with SI 21.2. The replacement boat sailed by the DEN competitors did not have the identifications required by the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions on its sails. It did not carry a camera as required by the Organising Authority. It was not subjected to quarantine procedure as required by Measurement Regulation 13.

Conclusion:DEN, as a boat assigned to compete in the medal race, was required by SI 19.7 to make a genuine effort to start, sail the course and finish. The OMC approved the replacement of the boat and found that it complied with class rules and all equipment inspections carried out in the Medal Race Quarantine Procedures. DEN complied with SI 21.2 and 21.3. The basis for the protest under MR 12.4 ceased to exist when the OMC approved the request. SI 2 (Additional Identification), SI 3 (Cameras) and MR 13 (Medal Race Quarantine Procedures) are subject to discretionary penalties (SI 18.7, MR 13.7). DEN did not gain a competitive advantage by failing to carry the camera (in the prevailing conditions), by failing to carry the correct identification, or by sailing a boat that had not been subjected to the Medal Race Quarantine Procedure at the required time. SI 2, 3 and 21, and MR 13 are not subject to protests by boats (SI 18.7 and MR 13.7).
Rule(s) applicable:SI 19.7, MR 13, NoR 3, SI 2, 3, 18.7, 21.2 and 21.3.

Decision:Refer to Protest Decision

Short decision:The protest by ESP under SI 21.2 and SI 21.3 is invalid. The protest by the RC is dismissed. No discretionary penalties imposed.

Jury:John Doerr (chair), David Tillett, Marianne Middelthon, Takao Otani, Josje Hofland