Juanpa Cadario: Se dio a conocer el nuevo circuito MOD70

Se dio a conocer el nuevo circuito MOD70

Fuente info MOD70

The new MOD70 circuit is revealed.

On the occasion of the KRYS MATCH from 6 to 8 October, the MOD70s will be racing in La Trinité sur Mer (France) and, with them, a contingent of sailors with eloquent track records: Michel Desjoyeaux, Sébastien Josse, Roland Jourdain, Stève Ravussin, Sidney Gavignet and lots more besides. The latter are preparing to do battle for the first time in the history of this new, unique international series which combines offshore and inshore races aboard one-design trimarans.

Though the KRYS MATCH is the inaugural event of the Multi One Championship, the real launch of the latter will take place in July 2012 during the KRYS OCEAN RACE, a crewed transatlantic race which will set off from New York (USA) bound for Brest (France). As such this exhibition in La Trinité will serve as a trial run for the majority of protagonists involved in the MOD70 circuit.

KRYS MATCH: sport, spectacle and live footage…

Franck David, Executive Director of Multi One Design Ltd, clearly announces three target objectives:

1- To produce top quality content for improved clarity and optimisation as regards development of our MOD70 circuit.
“It’s a fantastic opportunity our Title partner to the KRYS OCEANRACE, the Krys Opticians, is offering us through bringing together the protagonists of a circuit in the build-up to an event, especially as it will be in race configuration from the off. This opportunity provided by the KRYS MATCH event will enable us to create top quality audiovisual content (images, photos, audio…), which is essential for communicating about this new, international MOD70 class in a clear, effective manner.”

2 - The validation of the race formats
“Putting the pedal to the metal in the ‘speed matches’ and exploiting the potential of the crews during the coastal courses around the Baie de Quiberon, are great opportunities to demonstrate to all the potential of these one-design, ultra-sophisticated machines. Together with Jean Maurel, our race director, we’ve scheduled in three types of courses and each of them has its own unique features. The aim of these KRYS MATCH is that we’re going to propose them to the skippers so that, together, we can validate these formats for the whole of the Multi One Championship circuit 2012-2014.”
• The technical ‘RACE’ courses, with the start and finish 90° to the wind, on a reach..
• The Speed Matches – 10 minute runs in duel configuration
• The Treks – longer courses more reminiscent of a coastal course

3 - The audiovisual production: LIVE PRODUCTION and SAILING
“In order to tell some fine stories and make our MOD70 circuit comprehensible, we believe in the power of images, audio and live production. Our City Races are an opportunity to bring to life the experience of sailing aboard an MOD70 for as many people as possible, so they feel as if they’re actually there. As such we’ve designed an onboard technological pack with a camera and audio sensors. The content broadcast from onboard will be further enriched via 3D tracking and virtual images. This live feed will be broadcast on the official website and within the race village, so as to enable guests to track the races in the very thick of the action.”

The KRYS MATCH / 6-7-8 October / in practice:

- The KRYS MATCHES will be run from Thursday 6 October to Saturday 8 October 2011.
- The fleet is to be moored at the Loïc Caradec dock, behind the harbour master’s office from Wednesday 5 October 1200 hours.
- Race for Water and Gitana 11 are on site training from Monday 3 October.
- The arrivals of Veolia Environnement and Foncia are scheduled on the morning of Wednesday 5 October.
- The races can be viewed from the Kerbihan headland, in La Trinité sur Mer, every afternoon from 1400 to 1800 hours or from a giant screen in the village.
- The KRYS MATCHES are inshore races with a crew of 8.
- The KRYS MATCH village has been set up near the harbour master’s office in the port of La Trinité sur Mer.
- The Multi One Attitude Foundation space will play host to the public from 1000 to 1900 hours.

The KRYS MATCH on the web:

In order to enable you to track the whole event, a new website has come online today. Besides the results and the various news items, you’ll have the chance to track the races live: www.krys-oceanrace.com

Not to be outdone, the social networks are in on the action too and you can find various news items on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/KrysOceanRace or on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/MOD70

An abundance of live footage!

To track the action live, the public is invited to connect to the official website www.krys-oceanrace.com on Friday 7 October from 1500 to 1630 hours.
Thanks to the installation of a substantial audiovisual production plan and a partnership with the AMP Visual TV group, it will be possible to follow the KRYS MATCH live with commentary from an expert, virtual 3D images and the opportunity to go aboard a MOD70 to see and hear what happens live within the crews.

The forces present* at the KRYS MATCH 2011:

Race for Water (SUI) skippered by Stève Ravussin
Veolia Environnement (FRA) skippered by Roland Jourdain
Foncia (FRA) skippered by Michel Desjoyeaux
Gitana 11 (FRA) skippered by Sébastien Josse
Of note is the presence of Sidney Gavignet (skipper of the MOD Oman Sail) sailing on Foncia and Yann Guichard (skipper of the MOD Spindrift racing) as an enlightened observer.

* Competing against the first three MOD70s, Gitana 11 – a 77-feet prototype trimaran – which Gitana Team are using until the launch of their own MOD70 Edmond de Rothschild scheduled for 25 October 2011.

The agenda in La Trinité:

Thursday 6 October
1300 to 1800 hours City Races and Speed matches

Friday 7 October
1000 – 1230 hours Pro-Am
1300 – 1800 hours City Races and Speed matches

Saturday 8 October
1000 – 1230 hours Pro-Am
1300 – 1600 hours City Races and Speed match
1730 hours Prize-giving


6 to 8 october 2011: KRYS MATCH (MOD70 Exhibition)
7 july 2012: Start from New York
13 july 2012: Arrival in Brest

4 to 14 july 2012: KRYS OCEAN RACE
September 2012: European Tour
June 2013: European Tour
October 2013 - April 2014: Ocean World Tour
August 2014: KRYS OCEAN RACE